Kickstarter Projects Analysis


This is a class project in CSCE489 Data Science and Analytics at Texas A&M University. The project goal is to acquire some investment insights from the top 4000 Kickstarter projects. These crowdfunding projects gained plenty of popularities from backers and successfully turned ideas into mass production. The project create a database that is based on the top 4000 finished Kickstarter projects. After applying skills of web scraping, data mining, and data trending, we concluded the following observations and analyses for both creators and investors.

  1. The power of crowdfunding: top 4000 Kickstarter projects received funding that is 4.6 times than their original goal.
  2. The higher number of backers is not equal to the higher number of funding amount.
  3. The top 3 categories that receive most of pledges are Product Design, Tabletop Games, and Video Games.
  4. About 38% of total backers give money to support gaming kickstarter projects, such as video games and tabletop games.
  5. Projects in the top 3 categories: Product Design, Tabletop Games, and Video Games, have at least two million of backers. The number of backers in the top 3 categories is four times greater than the number of backers in another category. Kickstarter platform is much beneficial to gaming projects and product design projects than other types of projects.
  6. Most of Kickstarter projects are limited in the threshold of fifty thousand of backers and five million dollar of pledge. Not many projects earn more funding and backers than this threshold.
  7. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York are the top three cities that create Kickstarter projects. Also, California has five cities on the top 20 list.
  8. CoolMiniOrNot and Peak Design are both good investment targets. CoolMiniOrNot has created 24 Kickstarter projects and earned beyond 25 million USD. Peak Design has collected 13 million dollar of pledges.